The wires and the towers were fine. (Yes, one tower, tower 27 went down on the 66kV line. Not important.That line isn't even on the picture.)
The "grid problem", such as it was, was caused by damage (how much was it, by the way?) at the ShinFukushima Transmission Substation. At least one, and probably more, other transmission lines "into" ShinFukushima were energized. We can be sure because F2 (Fukushima Daini) was receiving power from ShinFukushima by midnight.
There were problems on the 275kV side of the substation. The 500kV side saved F2 a melt down, and could have powered F1's units 5-6 by midnight, if their yard substation was not ruined in the flooding. Bad design, eh?
Yes the F1 yard had some damage from the earthquake, broken breakers, but that's easier to fix, and still not a grid problem, so more bad plant design.